Reason: In moments like this, it causes a great THANKFULNESS to rise up in me to the LORD and all HE is in our lives.
Imagine the noise, the laughter, the frustrations, the play....all going on at one time as life happens.
Ashlie: She is our resident Apple comp WIZ! She was hanging out with us and trying to get some CD music onto Daddy's I phone. Tanner is usually close by because he usually has added some "special feature" or up load to the computer that no one can work but him :O)
Over all...25 lunches get packed Mon-Friday.....and If Victoria had her choice she would pack every ones lunch. She is a great cook and a great lunch packer.
Reports: Oh I do remember the day of hand written reports....but I guess that dates me a bit. (I could even admit the papers I did in the "typewriter" hummmm!)
Tristan is here working on a Book report/short essay. He has a great Language Arts mind and I enjoy reading his papers.
Science project: 3D model of a plant cell....Tanner had this project in hand for a week...but being the "on top of it all momma" that I am, I did not make it to the craft store to get the supplies until two days before. Here he is with his almost complete project. (thankfully Ash was over hanging out and came up with the idea of "wires" to stick the labels on.
Dave and John have great games of UNO, Sorry, Zingo (thanks Kathy) and lots of building this one.
Overall, in the span of the few seconds it took me to take these few pictures, it is really good for me to STOP life in motion at times a TAKE in the ACTION frame by frame!
One Weekend, One moment, MANY BLESSINGS!
*no worries all you friends and family wondering about Gabriel:....more to come soon.
We are anxiously awaiting a court date....then we will be on a weekly update on time frame.
Soon that little man will be in our Weekends, Moments and YES we already count him as one of our BLESSINGS!
Oh thank you for sharing ~ it warmed my heart to see your family despite you not being in any of the pictures!!! Sure do miss you! Let's be purposeful and set a time to play!!!
Moses' mommy
I owe you a SERIOUS phone call to THANK YOU for helping us adopt our sons! We've been home 2 1/2 weeks now & I think we are all doing pretty well. We are so thankful for our 3 children!
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