
Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Please forgive the lack of pictures on the blog....the pictures are there....just still on the camera :O)
I wish I had a picture of the masterpiece of "hair" John and Victoria had on Mother's Day!
We were able to attend church on Saturday night, knowing that Tristan's baseball team had a tournament on Sunday. (I know it was Mother's day, but really I could not have picked a better day...we got to PLAY, be outside and eat picnic lunch, all while cheering Tris and the team on. *they made it to the Semi Finals...YEAH Bombers!)

The fields were soooo wet that the games had to be moved around to different fields than we usually play on. This ended up being great for John and Victoria, because the field was directly next to the "playground" area of the ball park area.

*there have been a few times while watching Tris play, that the playground is in view...yet it is to far for them to go over and play with out we sit and support Tris with sad faces of wishes of play time .

Tris was playing away, Dave was pacing away, I was in my chair...half facing the field and half facing the playground...trying to pull the double duty mom thing.
J and V went up and down the slide to many times to count, ran, went on the swings, etc.
At one point I glanced over to the playground in time to see and group of kids at the bottom of the slide tossing SAND onto the slide as kids came down. It was a cluster of giggles and my mind I thought "Oh how fun, I remember doing that when I was little, but those poor mom's on Mother's Day who are going to have to clean those kiddos"
Nice thought vanished as I realized the kids coming down the slide were MINE!
yes....childhood FUN FUN!
yes....a mommy and daughter (I LOVE YOU ASH) who got to clean sand out of kids hair for hours.

Ash and I learned a "sand" lesson that day.
Playground sand does not shake out, wash out or come out of African Children's hair easily.
Needless to say, FUN was had, showers were a MUST.....and 2 MOVIES got to be watched that night as we took turns "planting" Victoria's hair.
Planting now has a new meaning in our doesn't just mean "braiding" anymore:O)

1 comment:

Sara said...

Hi cousin! We have SO enjoyed following along on your journey through your blog. I LOVE the hair story!! :) Those are the things you'll remember!