For a while now our family has been playing WII bowling together. John and Victoria are getting the hang of it and we all celebrate when someone gets a strike. (Tristan and Brock are known for getting 5 or 6 in a row....needles to say, I do not win very often) We all went "Bowling" for real....what a HOOT! The kids both said, "here is the place like on the TV game"
Shoes....hummm, since we have been home, shoes always make for interesting conversations. So, you can imagine the questions and fun comments that came when we all got to wear "Bowling shoes"
TANNER...being, he did not get knocked on the head with his ball, but he did have a fun time being silly and trying different ways to see how he could get the ball down the lane. Between his legs, backwards, laying down, closing his eyes...etc! are my sunshine! He did not stop giggling the whole time we were there. He was the second one to bowl a strike...okay he had bumpers, and it took about 15 LONG seconds for the ball to get down the lane...but when it did, he celebrated with a dance of joy, even it only 2 pins fell!
Victoria....the first time she threw her ball down the lane, she hit a few, turned and looked at me and said "Oh, I am finished, my ball is gone" I walked her to the machine and we stood bent over looking with no words....bumbling up came her ball..."oh Mom, look there it is!!!! How do they manage that?" As we are getting to know her day by day we are seeing how God has wired her. Out of our 6 kids, she is the most competitive. (yes, even more than Brock :O) She bowled her heart out with not one smile until she got a strike.....she was amazed at the whole process, but she had her GAME FACE on for sure. Go Victoria!
Little man! He let the ball go, then would get down to "steer" it with his body, face and words..."go, go, come on, go go....YES!!!" over and over he cheered. the second ball he tossed, his little feet got across the line and he slipped and fell on his back and his little body slid a good three feet into the lane. He looked shocked and all he could say was " Whoa, check it out!"
BOWLING...what a great family outing, celebration! The "new" experiences are treasures of new memories being built into "family" day by day.
This is a "first" I hadn't thought about! My homegrown kids are amazed when that little ball comes up through the hole, I can't wait to see what our new kids think. :)
Thanks for sharing bits of your family and life with us.
Oh My,
What a Joy to read about your family times. I love your description of John steering the ball.
You are blessed.
With Joy!
We wanna Wii with the Blaske Bunch!
Loving your posts - Just need to remember to click on the link whenever I get a chance to catch all of the snippets. Glad you "visited" us as well! :)
Lots of love to our cousins!!
Annie & Fam
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