
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Horton Hears a WHO

Or better yet....the people in the theater with us "hears" at all....over the laughter!

We decided to take the Blaske Bunch to the big movie theater for the first time all together!
Oh my!
After taking a small "loan" against the house
We all got in, bought the LARGE (re-fillable) bucket of popcorn.
(movie theater really lost money on this option for us hee hee)

We entered into the theater.
Grabbed a booster for John, got all kids situated and seated.
The pre-previews of local commercials were rolling...not to exciting, then the lights go out and pre-views start....

"Is this it? is coming" "Is this it? is coming"
You know how many pre-views they show before the can imagine how many times this question and answer session went on :O)
Kind of like the "are we there yet?" question while you travel.

The movie starts...the characters start to appear on the screen.
One thing you need to know about Victoria...she DELIGHTS in any kind of animal who has a voice, wears shoes, funny hats, WHATEVER!
So her DELIGHT was showing in great forms of giggles and gut laughter.

John sat glued to the screen...not even moving anything except his hand to and from the popcorn to his mouth. Every once in a while he would reach over and say
"mom I like this"

As the show went on funny parts would come and go where the whole theater would well as Victoria, but it was the random gut giggles at things she saw that tickled her that had us all rolling with laughter.

I think it was a combination of something NEW, something BIG (seeing those cute characters larger than life) and just plain VICOTRIA at her joyful best!

So, to all those people in the theater who got to enjoy her "contagious" laughter that first time at the theater with all of can give us a call if you would like a re-cap on what happened in the case you could not

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