
Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Many of you have been asking how our "prep" for our moving is going....
Today I have to laugh as I heard my kids say:

"Dad tossed his head back and laughed at you mom"

Why you ask?

Today we signed the closing papers for our home and our new home...Ohhhhh my!!

Who would of guessed that when God whispered in our hearts...
"pre-pare for a new season..time to move"

*that our 1928 Farm House (that had an inspection document with to many repairs to count) would SELL IN 20 DAYS of being on the market. (yes ...this market...the week after the stock market crash...IT IS ONLY GOD!!!)

*that our friends who asked us months ago in what we thought was "jest"
"Hey Blaske's do you want to buy our house?"
that it would be the actual house we did get to buy.
A House full of our dreams....dreams for kids, dream for ministry...and a quote from our 17 yr old son "feels like we are moving into a grown-up version of a house"
(he likes the fact that mowing 1/2 acre is less time than taking care of 2 acres and that the house does not need PAINT, TRIM, WINDOWS or immediate repair)
* I like that too :O)

*that our little John would navigate preparing to move in ways this mama could not have prepared for.

*that a family of 8 with LOTS of stuff in our HUGE out building could prepare to move to a house with a one car garage? Lots more living space, but smaller garage.
(can anyone say Craigs list?) How do we collect all this stuff???

*that it has been 2 months of purging and asking the questions...
"does anyone know what this is?"
"if it has not been touched in 6 is OUT OF HERE!"

*that I would find delight in the alley ways of Front Street cardboard recycle bins...FREE boxes! Yeah!

Which brings me to the comment above:

"Dad tossed his head back and laughed at you mom"

We are down to 9 days before we start loading up the U-haul to drive 2 miles over to our new home.
Each week I have set out a plan.
(remember I am an organizer...makes my hubby laugh...and no the boxes are not color coded :O) but there is a method to my madness.)

Due to working the Beacon House Ministry, National Adoption Day and some steering committee's for His Kids...I knew I needed to be purposeful.

So this week the "plan" was to get all kids DOWN to 4 FULL outfits each.
(thus the tossing his head laughing stuff from hubby)
Thought was .....4 outfits each ='s 32 out fits to wash instead of the 1,000 that usually run through the laundry room at any given point.

So for two days the washer and dryer smoked as we WASHED all the clothes and picked out the 4 outfits for each of us.
All the clean clothes got PACKED and yes labeled, ready for loading in the truck.

I asked Dave why he found this so amusing...and he said
" I would of never thought of that, but am sure glad you did...and it made me laugh to see the SHOCK on the kids faces as they described your request of them"

My kids...I am sure, years from now, when we sit around the Thanksgiving table with their families....they will remember the year we MOVED on Thanksgiving Week and Mom made us pack our clothes and only keep out "4" outfits!

Thanks for all of your prayers, support and help as we move...we feel so loved and covered by EVERYONE!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

We are praying for this move. Your family is such a joy to watch and know. You have a gift of sharing that is real and transparent while keeping your children so very close to your heart and leaving their hearts intact. Love the frequent descriptions of laughter between you and Dave.
God Bless the Blaskes!