
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tanner and Gabriel wating for chicken dinner at the mall...after a long day of shoppng at the craft market!

Tanner and G-man getting ready to walk to Beacon House for the Exit prayer time and good byes!
Words for this many to say, none would capture the depth of all that this picture holds!

Dear Tanner
The time we have had together, while not perfect, I believe it has been perfect.
It's been an Oasis for us (fitting we are in Africa) without the many usual distractions.
We flew thru llife leading up and next thing we knew we were at the hotel in Seattle preparing to leave. The next morning we were off and from the 3am wake up all thru the day I couldn't beleive how awake and alert you were.
It was clear you were excited and anticipating ALOT!
Throughout our time in Ghana you have had a twinkle in your eye that can only be from God speaking to you and even if you don't know all of what He has said to you or has planted in you right now hang on to the peace and the good feeling I know He has given you inside.
The explanation and understanding will come in time. You never once complained, except when I was being irritable. :-). Instead you rolled with it all.
I really wish we could have done more with the kids, seen more sights and really been able to let you experience more of Ghana.
That said I am very thankful we were able to do all we have done. You loved on kids and God planted some of them uniquely on your heart and I know you will continue to remember them.
That's how God works He makes matches in our hearts with others to connect us. Sometimes it's to pray for them. Other times you are able to be more involved. It's ALL good.
We don't have to conquer it all but instead just learn to be obedient to the one or ones God has led us to. You and Gabriel have started a special bond and as you have said this time has also given you insight into John n Victoria that you wouldn't have had before.
  • You have seen that the world is much bigger than our little corner we live in AND
  • you have ALSO seen how people are different and NOT SO different.
  • You noticed that people with little can be and are Happy.
  • You also talked with and shook hands with people who work hard every day, day after day.
  • You came to the conclusion on your own that the amount of money or things they have is NOT what makes them happy.

Hang on to these things and allow God to continue to develop them in you.

I think it has been awesome watching you grow up during these last several days in many ways. I wouldn't trade them for anything!!

Now as we embark on our journey home in just a few hours, stand guard over your heart and mind because the enemy is a liar and a snake and He will try to sneak up, sabotage and steal what God has implanted.

It's a no contest UFC match though...You WIN and are already victorious!

The battles will come but stand firm dude! I am honored to be your dad and am excited to see these seeds watered more over the years and also to see many of them harvested too!

Love you man!


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