
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Count Down

3 days and COUNTING!
People keep asking, "are you excited" "can you hardly wait?" "what do you think it will be like when you first see your kids?"......
Today, as I made my self sit at the counter to finish at least one task until it was done....before I jumped to the 1,000 things left to do, those questions rolled through my head.
Really, there are so many emotions all going on at the same time, it feels a bit like my heart/head/stomach is a BIG fruit smoothie being whirrled around inside.

It is a bit like the feeling you get before you have to stand up in public and speak, you know you have what you want to say "down" yet the seconds before you speak you get lost in the moments of "oh I really know what I am going to say."
You speak the first word and it ALL comes flooding back to you mind, you settle in and let it go.
This process happens many times a day as I prepare to leave in a few days.

THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who has reached into their hearts and responded with generousity toward this trip.
MANY MANY bottles of vitamins, to many pair of under pants to count, bags of summer clothing, 138 hand carved wooden toy trucks for the kids at Beacon House and surrounding orphanges, ear thermometers, topical skin medications, color books, veggie seeds for the garden, candy and A COMPUTER AND PRINTER (for Beacon House)

Those are just the donations for Beacon House!
For our personal family, many have donated funds toward our costs, SHOWERED US with amazing gifts of clothes and toys (at the shower) and covered us in prayer....We are FULL to overflowing with everyone's love and support for us personally and for His Kids Our Homes as we reach out to do ministry work at Beacon House. I go to the count down!
Soon it will be hours and then minutes, then breath taking seconds!
I will try to keep you updated!

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