
Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today I can say is the first day I have cried tears of pure utter saddness. I have had tears of joy and release several days with the kids...but today...well today we went to the government orphanage in Accra.
We got to meet the director, powerful good woman with a HUGE job of organizing 150 children! WOW
This is going to be a hard because I am emotionally wiped out from the depths of my heart over the first hand sights and sounds of an orphanage.
Two, because this was the place John lived up to 6 months ago when he came to Beacon House.
Because of the opportunity to see this place, I have chosen to not share the pictures (none of which have any children in them due to privacy of the kids and protection) so that we can let John have his story preserved for himself when he is ready to start to ask questions later. * I did get about 15 pictures of where he lived, slept, played and 2 pictures of his care takers* Opportunity of a life time.

However, it was a powerful day, meeting the director (who's job is a country who is new to adoption) for the AMAZING opportunity to HUG and Greet the Hose Mom's who raised John.
I got to BLESS them and tell them THANK YOU from the depths of my heart for doing what they do for these kids.
We got to tour the babies room and board building....PRECIOUS children!
Again, I am sooooo thankful for the ladies and volunteer college girls who come and feed and care for the kids.
We got to touch them and sooth some that were crying and of course we did a lot of praying over them.
At times I had to walk away because of my broken does Christ SEE the WHOLE earth and all of His Children in states like this and contain the TEARS from Heaven?
We are for sure called to be HIS HANDS AND FEET. (no matter where we are)
A small boy bolted across an open court yard running running as fast as he could when we walked around the corner (when we first arrived) He RAN to STACEY passed all of us and right to her. She scooped him up...and for our whole hour there she never put him down. When it was time to go, she had to hand him to a volunteer college student...talking to him the whole time...then literally had to RUN away from him as he cried and cried.
How do you fill an empty bucket that is full of holes...start with fixing the holes then you put one drop in at a time.
I am thankful that this orphanage is there, I am thankful for the people who will care for these kids, for the companies in Ghana who donate and I am thankful for the people who God is calling to be "bucket fillers" for these kids! Some were in there 20's with no "fillers" yet...but I will keep praying!
I am so blessed to have had the chance to meet, greet, and start to build a memory book for our little guy, who does not have one.....
Today is day 4 of my life with him and already I have pages to put into his baby book!
Thankyou Jesus!
Tomorrow is COURT! Everyone PRAY! Tomorrow they will legally be "Blaske Kids"
I will post again!


Lindsey said...

I can't imagine what that must have been like... what an incredible realization that God sees it all, and the tears He has for each and every one of those children! blessings on Stacey! and the rest of you all!!!

bbqdaisy said...

Carrie you have a TRUE gift for words! You write so beautifully and your writing makes me feel like I am right there with you!
Our hearts are breaking with you ... no words really seem to be an adequate response ...
Praise God for your JOY and CELEBRATION today ... really in the middle of a country with such dispair ...
It sounds like you are truly surrounded by numerous of God's angels ...
Praying for you!