
Thursday, January 31, 2008


What does the word "Mom" mean to you? I have fallen in love with John and Victoria before I even got to see them. When I got here, with in a few hours of meeting them they pulled out the photo book we sent them and went through the pictures one by one telling me all the names of everyone. (BIg Thanks to Mom Shelter who does an amazing job helping the kids navigate the process of leaving Beacon House)
The kids have two house mom's, Sada, who is the girls mom, and Shelter who is the boys mom. (lydia takes care of the babies)
They are VERY good at what they do and they are REAL MOMs in every sense of the word. Their day starts at 6:00 and does not end...they sleep in the room with the kids. THey will have HUGE reward in HEAVEN for the sacrifice and love they give!
(can you imagine having 10 orphans each to care for ....who have navigated grief and loss like most of us never will)
I am soooooo thankful for them! ALL OF THE STAFF here is SUPER!
So, back to the Mom, John was once again in my room playing, we were laughing, talking and he turned to me and said "my Dad and Mom will come to get me and take me to America soon, they will have Brooke, Tanner and Tristan for me to play with"
I looked at him and said "John, I am here" he looked and smiled. Then Ashlie walks into the room and to get her attention he says "Mom, Mom...hey Mom" (yet it sounds british like Mum) When Stacey comes in the dinning room he will say "Mum...give me that" (what ever is in her hand at the time)

Also today Ash was reading to Jacob and I walked through the room and he said "excuse me what do I call you?" I said madame would be fine or madame "B" and he tucked his chin down and said "No you are Mum"

I said no your Mom is coming in 3 days, he said again "no you are Mum" I tried to show him how Ashlie grew in my tummy and I held her as a baby and she called me Mom, now I get to adopt John and VIctoria and they will call me Mom. He said "NO"
Hummmmm, Reality check...back to my adoption training my head flew...."Mom" is a name like Auntie, or Mrs, it is a title of respect not a position.

Several times later today as I passed in the hall way, kids shout out "Guud day Mum"
So, tonight I rest in my heart that the journey of "position" as mom will come much later....this is excitng and good, yet very eye opening.
My history as a "face" and a person they can trust started 4 days I have two kids that are "4" days old....and I am just as in love with them as I was with my other 4 kiddos at 4 days old. Bonus is that these two can talk, play and learn right along with me.
So....for now...this "Mum" says good night!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

wow... precious! keep you all in prayers... Lindsey <><