
Sunday, January 13, 2008

I 600A

For those of you not on an adoption journey the I 600A is a "petition for orphan adoption" that you have to file with immigration/homeland security. This is your petition for approval of the government saying you can adopt a foreign born child.
We submitted this on Dec 20th. (see picture of us in front of office in Yakima WA below)

Interesting piece for us is that we have travel plans to go see our kids and to do ministry work for His kids Our Homes...yet we do not have our approval in our hand yet.
It was A LOT of praying to make the decision to travel before knowing..can anyone say FAITH and TRUST!

So as you can imagine, each day we watch for the mail to receive our "approval"

Saturday, Dave and I were getting him ready to travel to Australia (week of missing HIM!!!)
I am at the counter in kitchen and he gasps and starts to run out the door, as he is running he says
"Mail is here and I SAW a big yellow envelope go in!!!'
I pull up the blinds to see him RUNNING down our long dirt driveway (in the rain)
to the mail box,
~open it,
~pull out the mail,
~flip to the BIG YELLOW envelope
~ THROW HIS HANDS IN THE AIR..(picture Rocky Balboa stance on top to the stairs in the movie),
~yells YEEEE HAW!!!
~ runs all the way back in .
*This whole time...all of our kids are saying "what, what, what is happening?"
By this point tears are streaming down my face, (excited about the yellow envelope, and LOVING that Dave RAN)
I can not look as he comes in, he opens it and reads the letter.

"Dear Blaske Family, this is a letter to inform you that immigration is in RECEIPT of your I600A application, notification will arrive soon."
We looked at each other again and said, "what did that say?" This time we read it out loud.

This was not the approval, we were confused. he put his big strong arm around me and said, "sorry honey, for all the running and yelling...I thought it was the approval"

*note on the husband......Next to the Lord, ...Dave is my Strength, my covering and my BEST friend, gift from the Lord!!!!
* I loved that he said "sorry" not necessary..but I love his heart and that he knows my heart!

With all the friends we have that are adopting neither one of us remembered any of them telling us, "hey, we got our letter of receipt from immigration"

Come to find out, that is what immigration does. It came with a 10-15 Page booklet telling us all about the adoption laws for US and international adoption and process.
(Very useful for the His Kids Ministry piece)

So....Ashlie, my SUPER girl friend/kindred spirit friend and I leave the go kiss the kiddos, BLESS Beacon House director and move forward with any process God would allow with our adoption. try new adoption process with Beacon House and come home on the 20th with the kids! If the new process works, then Dave will be traveling to join me on the 6th.

Remember a few paragraphs ago...FAITH and TRUST.....this is an awesome journey for all of us but for me it is a day by day conversational personal communication with the Lord.

I am a process, check list kinda gal....ya know, there are 10 things on the list and you do number 1, then move to number 2 and so on. Not usually do number seven while waiting for number 2, while starting number 4. Hummmmm, there is so much The Father has for my heart in all of this! I would not trade it!

Sorry for the long post....must go, back to packing and figuring out child care while I am gone.

1 comment:

Nicole - Raising Animals said...

You're not alone! I've heard of many, many families getting overly excited about received the receipt. The weird thing is that not even every state does it. We live in Oregon and we never received a receipt.
We're you guys able to do your fingerprinting at the same time that you filed the I600a? Because the universal timeline seems to include the longest wait between filing and fingerprinting. After the fingerprinting, things can move pretty fast. For us it was only 17 days between fingerprinting and approval, but it was 40 days from a complete file to fingerprinting.
I ramble....But good luck! I've been reading for a little bit and I can't wait to hear all about your guys' Ghana adventure!