
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Disappointment vs Discouragement

Hello friends and family!
Wow, it has truly been an amazing DAY!
Let me back up by saying that yesterday we were able to go to the Embassy and after many weeks, President Bush coming to visit, a holiday (for the staff to thank them for all the hard work they did for his visit) we got the news that our I 600 and I 600 A were merged together!! HIP HIP HOORAY!
It was a smooth day, got to see the DHS and the Consular section with no problem and off we went with HIGH hopes of getting a phone call maybe even this week saying we got our approval.
Today....after a series of events we came to realize that the head Director, who is the only one who can "sign off" on I 600 approvals..(which is what we need to get our Visa) will be out of the office until the 7th....possibly returning to work on the 10th.
From day one in Ghana...Dave and I have rested in "God's timing is not ours..we will go and do what He asks"
A bit of air got sucked out of us with the news. (human emotions of "missing our kids has been over 4 weeks here in Ghana for me, knowing there is HUGE sacrifice being given by MANY family and friends on our behalf...etc)

Dave and I went on with the tasks of the day after the news...I made "Banku and Chicken" for our kids and for my brave husband who had not had it yet. It was fun to watch it all play out, as we sat around the table eating with your fingers...getting our kids to teach us how to make that great little spoon with the Banku. Vicoria had a good laugh...! Dave ended up washing his hands "after the meal" instead of before....some how the kids hands, even though they are using them...end up being clean.
As we get to "blend" our cultures, it is so fun to learn from the kids and watch them laugh at us as we try to understand some of their ways.
In the middle of clean up from that I said, "I need a Coke or a Fanta!" So off we walked across the street for a bit of a break.
Questions went through our minds...."has our view of God's timing changed? No. Have our hearts become bitter or frustrated, no.
Are we considerinig trials PURE JOY? this is a hard one...but really as we talked it became clear that we DO NOT want to miss ANYTHING God has for us or our kids while we are here....
Is it HARD!!! YES AND YES AND YES....but today this verse came to mind over and over.

Hebrews 12: 3 "For consider Him (Jesus) who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and DISCOURAGED in your souls.
vs 5a..My son (carrie and dave) do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be DISCOURAGED when you are rebuked by Him, For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives"

I think back to my 4 weeks here and see the very HAND of God on divine realtionships, blessings of prayer and healing, and chances to SEE with my heart and not my eyes. Would I trade it...NO and NO!
Physically it is hard, emotionally...well God has put a supernatural strength in me.
(for situations like today, when I got to go again to the orpphanage where our precious boys spent 4 of his 5 years, and take Dave to see it with his "eyes")
Left to my own and all the emotions that could RUN like wild fire...I would be a MESS. There are things daily that break your heart here.
This is the tough stuff..but it is the stuff that the Holy Spirit is using to give us opportunity.
Some of what we see in our selves is ugly. But God is the polisher and maker of new things.
We are dissappointed, yet not discouraged...we serve a God who is in control, and we will continue to REST in knowing that what He has planned is far ABOVE anything we could desire.
THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU who are praying and supporting us as we continue to love HIM with all our hearts!
We are packed and off to the Cape Coast for a few days of "play at the PRAISE the Lord, renew our hearts and enjoy this great time of getting to know our new kids"
Here is an example of God's timing and amazing FAVOR we have been seeing this whole trip.
I was researching hotels at the coast today, and was able to call a friend of Romana's who lives there. I called to ask her what she would reccommend as far as places to stay and things to see while we were ther...because she lives there.
She said" oh, please come to my house and stay...I would love to have you"
OKAY!!!! Praises to you LORD! Things like this are a BONUS...but really we are seeing that each time we "lay it all down...and believe me, sometimes it is 10 times a day...and with some struggle..He meets us with PEACE, PROTECTION, and today it was PROVISION!
Carrie and Dave...count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience...but let patience have it's ,perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:1-3

It appears that patience is not something you ask for is MADE in you!
We want to lack NOTHING...not even our I 600 approval so we PRESS on....thanks for Pressing with us.


Anonymous said...

You just have to love how James understands the way the LORD works. We are thankful here that you understand and receive as well. Joy abounds as does grace when we wait on the LORD!

The kids here are disappointed as well, but do not want that to inhibit how and where the LORD is working in the lives of HIS children, big and small.

Your children love how you love the LORD!!!

We all do!!!!

Carry on mighty ones!!!!!!!!!!

K said...

I LOVE your hearts! Thanks for choosing to be sharpened by the fire!
I know that He doesn't waste opportunities like these. :)
I also have a friend in the Cape Coast area. Kathryn is originally from Bellingham (she has a building named after her at Whatcom Community College!), and lives most of the year in the Cape Coast area (near Hans Cottage and the Kakum National Park)
She would love to hear from you. I think Romana has her number, or you can email me for it!
I know this is a bummer on many levels, but I keep thinking this is a tremendous blessing to have this time with just V. and J.
Have a wonderful time!

Anonymous said...
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Becca M. said...

"He will keep them in perfect peace those who's thoughts turn often to the Lord." --Isaiah 26:3

Love hearing how it's all going, through good times and bad. The Lord has taken you this far for a reason, glad to see you keep looking to Him for guidance.

Anonymous said...

Carrie and Dave - I just found your blog - wow! and we are praying for you as well as for your kids here at home. (Erik says Brock is doing well!) Your post for today reminded of how I struggled when I found out that we would not be able to bring our boys to China when we went to get Kate. With my limited perspective, I couldn't understand how God couldn't see that that would be a good thing! But looking back, what an amazing thing it was to have those two weeks for Bernie and I to bond with little Katie without any of the distractions of needing to care for the boys...what a gift that precious time was. So I'm praying that you are able to make the absolute most of every minute you have with your two beautiful additions - to treasure every day as a chance to bond in a way that wouldn't be possible if it weren't for this "bonus" time that you've been given.

bbqdaisy said...

You guys are such an INSPIRATION and ENCOURAGEMENT to us! I will keep on praying for continual joy, peace, hope, faith and strength during the next couple of weeks!

Keep persevering dear friends! Know you are being PRAYED for! Know you are missed!

Carrie, I actually put this in the little book we made for you at your shower ... and although you are already TOTALLY LEANING on JESUS and are TOTALLY TRUSTING Him (which is beyond words inspiring) I still thought I would share the scripture (I combined a few and reworded some of them)! I actually typed this for myself when Faithie first came home as I was at that point not trusting God, thinking that somehow the timing of when Faith came home was wrong (like I've said before, trusting God's WILL is often on the repeat button in my life)...

THIS – today – your life as it is right now - is MY plan for you! It is a plan to prosper you and not to harm you, a plan to give you a HOPE and a FUTURE. Jeremiah 29:11 So WHY be downcast soul, PUT your HOPE in me your God (Psalms 42:11). COME to me your God when you are feeling weary and heavy burdened, and I WILL give you rest (Matthew 11:28). Be an imitator of ME and SERVE WHOLEHEARTEDLY as if you were serving me your Lord directly! BE strong in MY MIGHTY power (Ephesians 5). And as MY chosen, HOLY and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all of these virtues, put on LOVE, which binds them together in perfect unity. And let MY peace rule in your heart!. So WHATEVER you do, whether in word or deed, do it ALL in MY name. Col. 3:12

Maria and Sam

Anonymous said...

The Lord himself goes before you and is with you. He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.
Deut. 3:19


Dave and Carrie,
I read your blog and I pray "God, that is what I want to be like" Your humilty and obedience is something rarely seen in our American culture. I mean after all, if we want it, we are entitled to it, right? You both are a breath of fresh air (remember what that feels like...Ha!) Thank you for sharing your hearts so openly. We will pray for the paperwork to speed up so we can meet your new kids SOON!

Anonymous said...

Your experience with the 'hotel' in Cape Coast just goes to show that Ghana is all about relationships... your relationship with God, each other, your children, and everyone you meet. If living here has taught me anything, it's that we an't get by without the support of others. And to get support, you have to give it! I think back in the States we can forego this and survive, but it sure is a more lonesome existence.

Let's hope your relationship with the Imigration workers helps process the forms. Good luck and have fun at the seaside!

--Molly (from Beacon House)

homeschoolingmama said...

You rock Carrie and Dave!

I think if we could just memorize the books of Hebrews and James, we'd all experience awesome transforming completely life-changing peace. I'm glad you can find solace there in that peace, too.

:) :) :)
