
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fun and Random!

Well the last couple days have been one of settling in at the guest house in our room that is at a constant 31 degrees celsius or perhaps that is only as high as the thermometer goes!!!

The kids are enjoying seeing the D's kids and playing with them. The girls Rachel and Victoria are little singers. When they are with each other coloring or even just standing at the market waiting for us they start singing all the songs they know..Away in the Manger, So High you can't get over it, so lower you can't get under it, Father Abraham, Im trading my sorrows, Open the eyes of my neat.

Small Town:
The first 3 days of being here Jacob D and John B wore the same planning just happened....hmm you think there was a sale on these back home in Lynden :-)

Bath Time (sorry G rated no pictures)
Okay then so bath time with John is very energetic. Carrie thinks the water tickles him. He is a wiggle worm and squirms around on the floor of the shower laughing and giggling...after he is done he stands up, soaps up and is finished...last night I just stood there and laughed at him and he looked at me and laughed back...funny kid. Of course the bath time is not very efficient (but the floor gets clean too)!

Craft Market:
Yesterday we went with the D's to the craft market. My main objective was to get an African Djembe (drum) Mission accomplished. I get to pick it up on Friday. While looking thru the shops the kids got some drum lessons and we found many other fun memory items to bring back to America with us. Very cool! If I could figure out how to get the hand carved furniture back to America I would buy a bed, coffee tables etc...they are amayzing and the men are very talented who build these.

Cool Cats:
Just some pictures of the Blaske Kids looking cool in one of the D kids sunglasses!

Friends and Family at Home:
Just another note of thanks to all of the friends and family back home who are serviing us so Incredibly! As you all are aware life hasn't stopped just because we came to Africa. We could not be doing this and walking this amayzing journey without your support and prayers!!! Thank you, thank you, Thank you for the peace you give Carrie and I that our kids at home are being loved and covered.


The Blaske Bunch said...

oh i miss my handsome giggly boy and my precious joyful girl! SO much you have NO idea!
love you all!

Cassie said...

so much fun!!!! i like the Jacob and John matching shirt thing... that's funny!

looks like you had fun at the market too!!!

Carissa said...

hey good to see the kids together!!! i think the "D"s and the "B"s have a lot in common: fashion, adopting, same church, same town to live in, same school for the kids... wow it's just amazing! hope to see all the "D"s and "B"s back in Lynden soon!